Hello Everyone Today I am Going To Perform A Static Partition In Linux.
For This Practical We Need A Hard Disk Of Any Gib Here I Used 20Gib Size.

Using fdisk -l command we will able to see all the hard disk connected to our system.

Creating a static partition of attached disk
For creating a static partition in attached disk
n -> for creating new partition
p -> creating primary partition
w -> for saving partition
Now , we’ll press ‘p’ to give the partition we want to create means like here I am giving +5Gib and saving the partition by w.

Formatting the partition that we have created
Using mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 command for formatting

Mounting the partition created
Creating a directory by mkdir command and naming static
e.g. mkdir /static
after this we check whether the directory is created or not by using a command df -h
Now , Creating a file inside the directory.
created a file name called st.txt in the static directory.

As we have done the pre-requisite so going to the task
Let see how to increase the size of static partition.
we have to unmount the partition by command called umount
umount /dev/sdb1
using df -h to see whether unmounted or not

after unmounting we delete the partition by
d -> delete the command
w -> save the command
Now my requirement is that I need to increase the static partition by 1Gib so I add a new partition of 6Gib.
Creating new partition
fdisk /dev/sdb
n -> for creating new partition
p -> creating primary partition
w -> for saving partition
Now , we’ll press ‘p’ to give the partition we want to create means like here I am giving +6Gib and saving the partition by w.

Now , conforming that partition of 6Gib has been created or not by command called fdisk -l,

Format the extended part of partition.
Checking any problem occurred or not.
Command -> e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1

Resizing the partition by using resize2fs /dev/sdb1

Mounting the created partition on the same folder
Command -> mount /dev/sdb1 /static
after mounting partition checking size increased or not by df -h
therefore partition has mounted a size nearly of 6Gib.

Checking previous file exists or not
For that I go into the static directory
So I found my file inside the same directory

Also my data still exits in the file and the file exits in the directory.

FROM Mayuk Das